TRAVEL & Q/A--> Reshma's Home

I can’t believe it’s here. The day I set out on a two day trip to my favorite village.

Here are some questions i’ve been asked frequently, recently:

  1. Can I contact you?

    • YES. Email me as often as you want, I LOVE hearing from home, family, and friends. You can also reach out via Facebook and Instagram. Please keep in mind the 12 hour difference in my delayed replies as well as the lack of Network.

  2. Are you safe?

    • I often tell people that I feel safer in this “dangerous part of the world” than In small town mississippi. There are a LOT of factors that play in to that but the biggest is that I haven’t met a Bengali friend who hasn’t made me feel at home and under full protection. They love and care for me WELL.

  3. What are you doing in this 3 month time period?

    • The weeks fly by with tons of work to be complete before I come back home. The main mission this time is to put “finishing touches” on and in the Home, meet with government officials to get approvals/good grace, and BRING MY GIRLS HOME. Chills every-time I think about even meeting 1 little girl that I’ll get to watch grow their whole life.

  4. How can I help?

    • Three basics: GIVE, SHARE, PRAY. Its simple. in your own way, on your on time, and however you can. There is no complicated way, just do what you can. EVERYTHING makes a difference over here.

Next time I post, I’ll be on land. Love you all. Thankful for the support.


Reshma Bangar