Who are we?
Reshma’s Home is a house for girls rescued and secured out of the sex trade, streets and impoverished villages in southeast asia.
This home provides education, shelter, food, and many more amenities that allow girls to have a future outside of their generational cycle: The Brothel and Streets of Bangladesh. The hope for Reshma’s Home is to inspire, encourage, and equip young girls to rise up beyond their cultural norms. These girls will be given the tools needed to have a life beyond the walls of a brothel, train stations, and impoverished villages. RH will encourage a life that allows them to share their story to other women, men, and children around the world that there is more to life than “making ends meet in the sex trade”.
What do we do?
Reshma’s Home provides the funds to “purchase” girls out of their slavery – Whatever the Cost. rh provides housing, education, and food to all children who reside in the home.
Reshma’s Home has strategic teams to rescue and secure the children from the impoverished, vulnerable places of Southeast Asia. Through awareness and donations raised in the USA, we are able to provide long-term solutions in trauma based care, residential amenities, and advanced education to send them off into the adult world to help inspire, encourage and equip other survivors in their future. They will always have a place to call home at RH. With a home that continues to grow, we are able to provide full time jobs to the house management team and house mothers who love and nurture these children in ways they may have never experienced before.