Make a Difference
Your support gives a young girl the greatest gift a human can receive, HOPE.
Thank you for all of your prayer, encouraging words and support. The girls who are rescued and reside in RH were destined to go through life with no hope for the future. They didn’t even know that a different future was possible; until YOU. You decided you were going to do M O R E. Your donation saves these girls from the streets of Bangladesh. Your donation puts food on the table, clothes on their backs, and sends them to school so that we can better Empower them, Encourage them, and Equip them for the hope filled life ahead of them.
**PayPal takes 3% of each donation. If you wish to give directly with no fees, please email first.
Please make checks payable to Reshmas Home and mail to 272 Calhoun Station Parkway Suite C #42 Gluckstadt, MS 39110.
If there is a specific need that you would like to donate to, please email me at: