How can I help? How can YOU help?

A common question I get from friends, family, and even strangers is: How can I help Reshma’s Home? This question is quickly followed by: I have no resources, I have no time, I have no connections or influence —> while all of that may be valid, there are still several ways you can help.

I have put most of the upcoming cost and details in the Ways to Help page, and i’ll drop the link here if you haven’t had a chance to visit.

Since Reshma’s Home is still in the beginning stages, one of the BIGGEST ways YOU can help me, the girls, and the home is by S H A R I N G the word. Share this post, share my other blog post, share with your friends, family and neighbors. If you buy a hat, shirt, or sweatshirt, people WILL ask “What is Reshma’s Home” and it’s such a great conversation starter!

Share the website, the instagram, the facebook. Every bit of awareness helps. Your support helps, and your willingness to do what you can means more than you know!

I’ve recently become “okay” with the practice of Asking for Help, and I want to encourage you to do the same for two reasons:

1. It is not for US. It is for THEM.

2. It allows others to be a part of something so much bigger than ourselves.

Lastly, I want to know how I can help YOU? Comment below or feel free to email me questions about Reshma’s Home that allows you to share freely with others.

Let’s do this! You are world changers.

with Thanks,

Reshma Bangar