Summer Time at Reshma's Home! // June 28th Update
A bit of transparency before you read:
I truly am so humbled by the amount of people who have reached out to check on the sweet girls and staff of RH. I will admit that I feel so inadequate to answer most of the time. I have to see them through the screen of my phone, too, and it’s heartbreaking. Updates have been hard to stay on top of due to my absence at the home. While I am so very thankful for FaceTime, email and text, I want you to be able to interact with the girls as much as I’ve had the privilege to in the past. However, I do promise to update you with as many details that I see/hear. Thank you for sharing this heartbeat with me. I know one day the reunion is coming and I truly cannot wait. This is a bit solemn , but don’t worry.. Hope is Here!
The village is back under strict lock down, and they do not plan to continue school, events, or anything- any time soon. The previous update stated they were able to go back to school, but that ended quickly due to the mass outbreak and tragedies across the borders in India. The government and local authorities have not confirmed an end to this lock down, but we are hopeful the summer heat will speed up the slow down of “the spread.”
Security remains as a top priority. After speaking with one of my staff members, he expressed heavy concern over the increase in violence, robbery, and other threats posed towards Reshma’s Home and right outside of our quarters. We’ve established a plan to create a heavier gated community. This was never my initial desire, I want our girls to feel free to run outside, however, the time has come to implement their safety over fun. The general funds and building funds we currently have will go directly to this $15,000 expense. In addition to the concrete gates, we will also hire 4 rotating security guards.
Tutors and teachers are still coming to RH to give one-on-one time with each girl. They are still continuing extra curricular classes (dance, voice, computer) as well, which they enjoy more than most!
Our girls remain healthy! Thankfully, other than standard colds, the girls, the staff and the neighbors have remained in great health and high spirits. This brings me such joy.
The staff of RH have been amazing in teaching the girls different skills in and outside of the home. Home Economics Class Bengali style! Pictured below, you’ll see the girls learning to manage the rice fields, flooding and seeding, and then milling the rice. They’re learning all the cooking basics of rice, fish, and vegetables. They’ve also been able to watch the Honey Bee process and enjoyed the sweet taste of home grown honey (literally- these hives are massive on all corners of the house!)
New Vegetable Garden Created by the Girls- ok this is impressive. I have a black thumb I believe, but these girls know how to get the nutrients they need, under the age of 10! The new vegetable gardens were planted at the beginning of June and look at them already. On top of rice, tomatos, zucchini, squash- the girls now have fruits and more vegetables to enjoy!
Celebrations are still happening. Birthdays, holidays, and random parties “because we can” have still been happening. The smiles are still bright, and our girls are still safe. Hope is still HERE.
The main question i’ve received from people here in the states is “When will you be able to go back to SE Asia?”. The harsh reality is, I truly do not know. Airlines have semi opened, but with the village being shut down, there is no promise it will even happen before the year ends. I am hopeful, but also taking full advantage of technology to connect with my girls. As soon as I know when I can go, I promise I’ll shout it from the rooftops and encourage you to go with me!
The girls and I are so very thankful for each of you. For your prayers, your heart, your check ins, your encouragement, your love.
Until Next Time!,